New Beginnings

This post was originally published on Corrina’s Caringbridge site:


In my last journal entry August 3 I expressed the desire to return to see Corrina ‘to see what she got up to next.’ So for our visit in early September I arrived expecting great things and thankfully was not disappointed. I was joined by my wife Christine who was seeing Corrina for the first time after Corrina’s diagnosis; we couldn’t have come at a more promising time! We met Corrina for lunch just after she received the results of her most recent MRI. We heard the neurooncologist’s exclamation of surprise as he read the MRI … ‘What have you been doing?’ The lesion had shrunk significantly giving everyone such hope and encouragement, especially Corrina. We had seen signs of improvement when we conversed on the phone especially in her ability and willingness to communicate and the MRI just confirmed what we saw happening. Even more exciting to me was when I joined her for the first and second visits with a new occupational therapist, the therapist was able to elicit movements in the wrist, fingers and triceps of her right arm which has been paralyzed since the infection. Maybe it just does take time and a tremendously positive attitude….let’s hope for continued improvement.

David’s last journal entry mentions how they were lost and just gained a new perception. I have to slightly disagree. These two warriors/angels were never lost. In referring back to an earlier journal entry, David mentioned that the two of them decided early on ‘that whatever happens happens‘ and I believe even at dark times this philosophy has guided them. They are both incredibly impressive with resilience and a ‘won’t look back’ attitude and I’m looking forward to their next achievements. Thanks to everyone who has supported them through the storms.

Addendum: I thought I’d look back and see if I could find the journal entry that I mentioned above. I didn’t find it probably because I was skimming at first. So perhaps I made that one up, it’s okay it fits. But I read all the way back to the first entry and what I did find was a trove of emotion from everyone who has made journal entries (no way I could read all those comments again, but plenty of feelings there too). It’s been an incredible year. It’s nice to end it on such an upbeat note but it has run the gamut of hope and fear and courage. I am still incredibly impressed by the HealTeam C and what it’s been through.


Seasons changing & Corrina thriving


Big Sister