How did we get here?
This post was originally published on Corrina’s Caringbridge site:
Starting around the middle of August, Corrina began complaining of dizziness and headaches. After an extended period of nausea (and vomiting), Corrina's balance became pronouncedly weak on the right side (primarily noticed in her right leg, but also affecting her right arm as well).
Thorough blood tests showed nothing wrong and yet she wasn't getting better...
On September 18th at 9pm, we went to the ER. Based on her symptoms, a CT scan was ordered which revealed a large abnormal growth on the left side of the brain.
And in that single moment, life, as we knew it, immediately changed. There are no words to relay the shock of news like this.
Corrina shining at her 40th birthday party.
When a diagnosis involving anything in your brain occurs, the chain of command becomes quickly enforced. The ER doctor stepped out of the way and neurosurgery stepped in.
An MRI was performed around 1:30 am and early the next morning, after not much sleep, we met the doctor charged with Corrina's care who shared the findings of the MRI.
The 'lesion' (as her doctor referred) originates on the left lobe and extends partially into the right which increases its complexity. It is pushing against Corrina's motor cortext, which explains her difficulty in controlling her right leg.
Corrina is scheduled to undergo a biopsy on Tuesday morning (9/25) at 7:30am. Following that, the team will know more details as to the nature of the growth and will establish a treatment plan -whether it's attacked through medicine or surgery (more aggressive).
For now, Corrina is home and resting. Her spirits are high. Her smile beams as bright and wide as ever, but her balance is not great and she's experiencing nausea and headaches which we're treating with prescription medicine.
Corrina with her mom & rock, Claudia.
This is scary. The best approach that we've found has been to remain in the moment and respond to just what we know immediately. We don't have a roadmap yet, but we will get through it.
Please take a moment to send her a thought of love. She'll feel it.